Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Charitable Baking

My apartment currently smells like a bakery. I made butter pecan cupcakes with french vanilla frosting. Which are topped with fall sprinkles. I also made a pan of Peanut Butter squares. No, I'm not trying to bake myself into a sugar coma. It's all for charity. Tomorrow we're having a bake sale at work. I might not have a big bank account but I know how to bake :)

French class was long and boring. Some random crazy guy asked me for money while I was outside on my break. I didn't have anything on me other than my phone. After I told him know, he started talking to the stairs beside me about righteousness and Jesus Christ and God. It was odd. But still more entertaining than class.

Back onto the charity topic for a minute. We got a letter at work today from Plan Canada. Last Christmas the office took up a collection and we sent 3 "Library in a Box" to Haiti. The letter from Plan Canada was them updating us on what they did over the last year. It was great to know that we'd been a part of helping others. When we all came together as a group, we did something great. And that's an awesome feeling. I think I may look into charity giving as an option for Christmas gifts.

I'm still processing all the thoughts in my head, but my mind wasn't buzzing as badly this evening. I think focusing on the baking tonight was a good distraction. I'm also kind of hoping that some answers will just appear out of thin air and help me out. Just like I'm hoping to win the lottery every week :)

Sleep time.

Good Night!


Didn't make these this time, but I'm sure they taste just as good.

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