Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Teacher, teacher. Can you teach me?

Today's french class was the class from hell. It started out ok. I nailed like 3 questions in a row. But then the teacher got us all confused. By the end of class, all 9 of us were so mixed up, not a single one of us could come up with a correct answer. We were all playing a strange guessing game. It was brutal.

To make matters worse, once I got back to the office, I showed some of my notes and work books to my co-workers who's first language is french. They laughed their asses off. And were horrified by some of the bad stuff that was being taught to us. Great. Just great. No wonder the stuff I hear in the office doesn't match the stuff I learn in class. The really frustrating part was that I asked one of my co-workers the same question I'd asked my teacher. My co-worker was able to explain it to me in 30 seconds and I actually understood!!!! My teacher spent 30 minutes explaining the same damn thing and I still didn't understand it. So friggin' annoying.

Maybe I should just give up on the classes and hire my co-workers to teach me. It might be a better plan. Sigh.

I'm smart. I know I am. So why can't I get this? At least I wasn't alone in my misery or confusion.

Speaking of class, I keep thinking that I'd love to take some University classes. Maybe I'll work on getting my honours, then my masters and maybe even a PhD. I think I could handle and afford 1 class a semester. I kind of miss it. I do like to learn. Not a big fan of the home work but it's a necessary evil. I dunno. Something to thing about.

Good Night!

Dow's Lake with Carleton University in the background.


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