Sunday, 13 January 2013

Out With The Old...

Not too much to report on today. I spent the day cleaning and listening to my iPod via a very cool speaker thingy that my mom bought me after Christmas. Which meant my mind got to rest as I really wasn't thinking about much.

I got the kitchen cleaned and started to throw out a bunch of crap I really don't need/use. I donated a few things to my fellow residents. We have this ledge under the stairs where people put items that are still good but that they no longer want and other people take it. It's kind of a cool system.

I made some major progress on the re-organization of my apartment. And that feels good. Better than I thought it would. There have been several studies that show when you de-clutter your space, your stress levels drop. I think they might be right. On the up sides, if I get rid of a bunch of stuff, I get to buy new stuff to replace it. LOL. Like my towels yesterday :)

I really wish that the awards shows would get the big ones out of the way at the begging. Or end earlier. I always end up going to bed before the big awards are announced. I did stay up late enough to see Jodi Fosters wonder acceptance speech though. She's a stand up gal. But alas, I shall miss the rest. I'm sure the news will bring me up to speed in the morning.

Good Night!


These are the old towels but this shows how small my bathroom is!

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