Sunday, 27 January 2013


I didn't blog last night. I tried to but nothing came out. I stared at the blank screen for a good 5 minutes and then opted to pack it in and go to bed. Truth is, I really don't have much to say tonight either. My head is in a strange place. There's lots rolling around in my brain but I can't seem to focus on any one thing. It's like there's lots of back ground noise but I can't pick out a specific song or voice.

I've had several nights of strange dreams and watching the news today was just plain bizarre. The top 3 news stories were about the tragic deaths of hundreds in a night club fire in Brazil, a female's torso being found in a dumpster in Kitchener, ON and apparently she had on a "Forget being a princess, I want to be a Vampire" t-shirt (why that's relevant to the story, I have no idea. I can see it being used to help identify her, but the media seems to be stuck on it) and of course, the election of the new Provincial Liberal Party leader in Ontario - who happens to be a woman. And she's gay (and legally married too! Again, the media seems stuck on something that I don't think is overly relevant). Personally I don't care if the new leader is male, female, black, white, purple, gay, straight, bisexual or an alien from outer space so long as they can do a good job and get the province out of the massive hole we're in. And calm down the pissed off teachers too.

I feel restless yet I don't seem to have much energy or desire to do anything. Even listening to some of my favourite music today was annoying me. Every little sound from my neighbours was getting on my nerves. I'd catch myself just staring out the window, not really looking at anything in particular and then I'd glace at the clock and realize that I'd lost 15-20 minutes. Something is brewing in my subconscious. I just have to wait and see what it is. Perhaps work will help. Often when I focus on something else, my mind relaxes and whatever it is I'm processing in the background has a chance to come forward.

Good Night.


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