Wednesday, 6 February 2013

I'm A History Geek

This stupid sinus thing is more stubborn than I am. Grrrr. I just want to feel like myself again. Maybe I'll be able to re-coop this weekend. I have so much house work to do too.

Tonight I opted to watch stuff on Netflix rather than clean up. I think I might have gotten hooked on "Pretty Little Liars". I watched the first 2 episodes and they were pretty awesome. I really don't need yet another show to distract me from all the other stuff that I really "should" be doing. Like cleaning and exercising.

Those who know me well know that I'm a bit of a history geek. I love it. It fascinates the hell out of me. I firmly believe that we can't fully know where we're going if we don't know where we've been. Sometimes I think I missed my calling in life. I should have been a historian or an archaeologist. Anyhow, there was a very cool news story that came out on Monday. A team of archaeologists in England found a skeleton last year and on Monday announced that they knew who it was: King Richard III. Most of what people know of him is fiction, told by William Shakespeare in his play, Richard III. In the play, Richard killed his nephews to ensure that he'd get the throne. In real life, Richard met his death at the Battle of Bosworth Field, ending the War of the Roses. Henry the VII would then become King, ushering in the rule of the Tudors.

The part of this story that I find most amazing is that it was the DNA of a Canadian man who was used to confirm that the skeleton was really King Richard. Genealogists were able to determine that this man was a direct descendant of King Richard's sister, Ann of York. How friggin' cool is that???

I think it would be a blast to find out that I was related to a King who sat on the throne of England 500 years ago. History is so cool. There are all kinds of mysteries like this that are yet to be solved. Today's technology is helping history to come alive again. And in the process, helping to preserve it too.

So now that I've gotten my history geek on for the evening, it's time for bed.

Good Night!


A little piece of my own Genealogy

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