Saturday, 2 February 2013

Sick :(

Call my mom, I'm sick :( That doesn't usually work as she's usually the one who's sick, I look after her, go home and then come down with whatever she had. At Christmas, we both got sick at the same time and then we had to look after my dad when he got sick. Amy Farrah Fowler even had Sheldon to look after her and rub vapo rub on her chest. It's not fair I tell ya.

This really sucks as it's the 2nd time I've been since in the last 6 weeks. Same issue too: Sinus cold. Or at least a cold that starts in my sinuses. I went for well over a year without getting sick and now it's happened twice in 6 weeks. That's not good.

I did manage to make it out shopping with Steph today. I was ok in the morning but by early afternoon, I was a zombie. On several occasions Steph has to ask if I was still with her. After she dropped me off, I promptly put all my grocery type items in the fridge/freezer, changed into some jammies and crawled into bed where I had a lovely 3 hour nap. Napping is a tell tale sign that I'm not feeling well. I do not nap. I'm not capable of napping. If I lay down and fall asleep, I'm out for hours. None of this 20-30 minute nonsense.

I used my nasal rinse, I've had a nice hot soak in the tub with some lavender epsom salts and I'm about to make myself a cup of Sleepy Time tea with some honey in it. Then I'll pop a couple of the night-time cold meds and head to bed. Hopefully that will knock me out for a full 8 hours or more. I really don't foresee myself doing much of anything tomorrow, which sucks. I have a large pile of laundry and a nice collection of dishes that require my attention. I supposed getting better is more important than house work.

Here's hoping that this is short lived and doesn't move to my chest and I'm all better soon. Next week at work is going to be a busy one, so I have 1 week to be back to 100%.

Time to sleep!

Good Night!


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