Thursday, 7 November 2013

Good People Still Exist

So my biggest success of the day was finally clearing level 105 in Candy Crush. LOL. I've been stuck on it for several weeks now.

Work was good. It's been very steady but not quite into the "crazy" side. Which is nice. I have to do a bunch of house keeping tomorrow. I need to file some stuff and move the things I need to my new desk. That will be a fun exercise. And I start the day off tomorrow with a doctor's appointment.

Sigh. My doctor. I really need to find a new one. But it was so freakin' hard to get the one I've got. It's just that the office is bad. The receptionist is incompetent and I can't believe she's still working there. And my doctor has the worst hours! Thankfully I don't have to see him often (knock on wood that it stays that way).

I saw a couple acts of kindness today which made me smile. A very elderly woman who I suspect has Parkinson was trying to get some chicken from a lunch buffet near my office today. She was rather short too and there was no way she was going to be able to reach the containers. Before I could walk across the place to help her, another woman came along and got her a container. The elderly women then proceeded to fill it herself...and man, did she take a lot of chicken. She then tried to close the container, but couldn't, so yet another kind soul came to her rescue. The last I saw, the elderly lady was pushing her container of chicken around on her walker, looking rather happy. It was great. It made me smile. And it made me a little sad. It made my miss my Gram. And made me worry that one day that would be me. Growing old alone.  But mostly I was happy to see that kindness still exists and for the most part, we're decent, kind and caring human beings.

After escaping the office this evening, I bought some groceries, came home and had a very simple but quite yummy dinner. And then watched a funny new episode of The Big Bang Theory. I love that show. So awesome :)

The only upside to having a doctor's appointment tomorrow is that I get to sleep in for a bit. That will be nice.

My abs are doing surprisingly well today. They don't hurt unless I really engage them. It's actually the backs of my shoulders that are sore today. And my foot. Maybe I'll mention that one to my doctor in the morning.

Good Night!


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