Wow. 30 days. 40 posts. 926 page views. I'm floored and amazed and humbled.
When I started this a month ago, I had no idea what to expect. I figured it would just be a really good outlet for me. It turned out to be an amazing outlet. I can't even begin to describe how happy I feel when I write and I can't believe that I've been doing it every night for a month. Even when I'm dead tired and don't have a thought in my head, I still feel the urge and need to blog.
What surprised me the most is how cathartic this is. I know I'm notorious for keeping thing bottled up inside and I know how bad that is for me, but I never realised that letting it out could feel so good. My head is a much happier place without so many thoughts trapped inside. I can see things a little more clearly now and that's a very good thing.
Some nights I get very emotional when blogging and I sit here and cry. You should have seen me the night I wrote the blog about my parents. I was bawling so badly that I had to stop because I couldn't see the screen anymore. But those were happy tears. I doesn't really surprise me. I'm quite an emotional person. I'm just very good at keeping them in check, except when I'm writing.
When I write, I feel free. The emotions just pour out of me through my fingertips. Some nights I feel completely emotionally drained after writing. Other nights I just sit and smile or keep giggling because I've made myself laugh or I'm laughing at myself :)
Blogging from my parent's house was interesting. I'm not used to having people around when I'm writing. They kept asking me question: What are you doing? What are you writing about? My responses: Writing my blog. Stuff. LOL. I have no idea if either of them have read my blog.
I like looking at the location stats for my blog. It boggles my mind to see that people in other countries have read it. Apparently someone in Russia reads it a lot as there are nearly 20 page views from there along with ones from France, Germany, Japan and the USA. I'm still amazed beyond belief that anyone reads this.
Moving ahead, I will try to keep up with my goal of blogging every night. The fall is coming. Even though it was hot and humid here today, you could smell fall on the wind this afternoon. I love the fall. It's my favourite season. It also scares me a bit because fall is when my inner demons tend to wake up a little bit more and my struggle to keep them under wraps begins anew. Perhaps the blog will help me keep those little bastards at bay. I guess I'll just have to keep writing and find out.
To all of you who have read my blog, I just want to say thank you very much. I'm glad I could share a little sliver of my world with you. And to whoever the person in Russia is that keeps reading, I'd really love it if you'd drop me a line and say hello!
I'm going to celebrate my One Month Anniversary by playing a few rounds of SongPop (my new addiction on FB) and then curling up with my book before bed.
Good Night!
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