Thursday, 23 August 2012

Negative Nellies

I can't figure out why, but lately, where ever I look, I'm seeing negativity.

People at work. People online. The local news. Even some of my own thoughts. I have control over my own thoughts, and I've been doing what I can to correct those but what does one do to fend off the negativity oozing out of everything else?

It's a little hard to escape at work. It's not like I can just up and leave. Though I'm pretty sure everyone has fantasised about that one. Heck, some days I think about doing it every 20 minutes or so. By 9am today I was contemplating escape :)

Online, I just stop reading the things certain people are posting or stop visiting the groups where their members were overly negative. Which does kind of suck. I join the groups for a reason, because I like connecting with similar minded people. But when no one seems to be able to see the good things, it sucks the fun out of everything.

As for myself, banishing the negatives, destroying the shadows with the light, is often easier said than done. For example: I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. It's for my annual physical. I haven't had one since January of 2009 because I haven't had a doctor since then. I was finally able to get a doctor back in May. I just now got around to making the appointment. I'm sitting here dreading it, thinking about how awful and icky it's going to be (Note - it's a male doctor. I've never had a male doctor before. I've always managed to find female doctors so I'm a little out of my comfort zone here). I should be thankful. I've gone 3 years without a regular doctor and I am currently experiencing a few health issues that I know need to be addressed. There are millions of people in the world that go their entire lives without ever receiving medical attention. Doctors simply don't exist where they live.

So why am I being so negative about it? Just because I'm uncomfortable? That hardly seems fair. I'm a mature, adult woman. "Suck It Up, Princess" comes to mind. LOL. Going to see the doctor is a good thing. If something is wrong (God forbid), getting it dealt with as soon as possible is a very good plan. And knowing that I'm in good health will bring me some very nice peace of mind. So I should push the negative thoughts aside and just focus on being happy and healthy.

The weekend is almost here. I get two days to myself with no real plans in place. Perhaps I can find something fun to do and regain some more of my positive outlook.

Good Night!


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