Friday, 9 November 2012

Up coming Saturday Shenanigans and Extreme Sport Shopping

Just an ordinary, typical Friday today. With maybe a hint of silliness thrown in since it is Friday. And for some of use, it's a long weekend too. I'm excited about the prospect of sleeping in tomorrow but I've even more excited about getting to have an afternoon/evening of Shenanigans with Steph. It's been far too long. I'm suffering from a serious case of cabin fever and friend-type interaction and venting.

Mother Nature might attempt to add some excitement to our outing in the form of freezing rain but I'm sure we can find a mall with covered parking to hide at for a few hours. Or Ikea :) I have a $25 dollar off coupon for one of my favourite stores and they have tops on sale for $25 tomorrow. A free top is very welcome in my world!

Someone new is moving into an apartment down the hall from me. They started moving in a little after 7pm and I do believe they're still at it. Which is highly annoying as my apartment building is less sound proof them my university residence was. Earlier, they brought some heavy piece of furniture up. It took them almost 10 minutes to go up the 2 flights of stairs and then about 5 to get it down the hall. After quite a bit of thumping, banging and grunting, I heard them talking to one of my other neighbours. Apparently whatever it was wouldn't fit through the door of the apartment. Oops. That can't be good. That's also why you should measure things before dragging them up 2 flights of stairs and down a hallway.

Back to shopping for a minute. Steph is going to think I'm crazy, but I think I might try to convince her to take me to Costco tomorrow. I know. It's a Saturday and it's a long weekend and it's only 7 weeks until Christmas...but that's why I want to go. I need Christmas cards. And baking supplies. Hmmm, I kind of hope Steph doesn't read this blog. She might get frightened away. LOL. Going to Costco most of the time is kind of like an adventure sport. On a Saturday, it becomes an Extreme adventure sport where you're not entirely sure if you'll come out alive or in one piece.

I need to get to bed so that I'm fully rested for tomorrow's adventure.

Good Night!


Random photo of a squirrel in our back lot. He's a stumpy!

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