Wednesday, 14 November 2012

*Insert French Swear Words Here*

French class was so horrible today, that I can't find the right words, in either language, to describe just how awful it was. The sinus headache that arrived around 10:30am and stayed with me for the rest of the day didn't help either.

Our teacher had everyone so confused that the entire class revolted. Usually, one or two people are a little lost (and we all take turns) but today, it was all of us. Our teacher should win a prize for that or something. It was brutal. What's co-worker hijacked some of the staff last night to help her with our French homework. Today in class, none of their answers were "correct" as to what the teacher was looking for. 2 of the 3 people helping her last night are from Montreal and French is their first language. One of them keeps looking through my work book and says "IT'S NOT REAL FRENCH". I'm so friggin' screwed.

And the rest of my dad sucked because I had to play catch up and my headache opted to keep me company all afternoon. I had planned on getting a whole bunch of chored done this evening but I'm so flipping tired that all I managed to do was some dishes.

Thank God it's a short week.

Good Night!


Butterflies make me feel better :)

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