Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Common Sense Doesn't Seem So Common

For a short week, it's kind of feeling rather long. That might also be due to the fact that I've managed to get my days mixed up almost all week. I knew Monday was Monday but that was the end of that. Everything's been messed up since. LOL. Just one more day...actually, it's only a half day since I have French tomorrow afternoon. Wow. I'm kind of excited about going to French class. That's kind of messed up. What an amazing difference switching to the afternoon and actually having a good teacher can do for your outlook eh?

So, it was pot luck day at the office. We didn't have quite as many people participating as in the past but we still had a good turn out and the food was excellent, as usual. My taco pies were a hit and there wasn't anything left over so I was happy. Which reminds me, I have half a tub of sour cream in my back pack. I really need to put that into the fridge. Oops. A few of my co-workers and I have decided that we need to develop "Pot Luck Etiquette" for the next one. Things like "don't hog the pizza" (16 slices, 50 people participating in the pot luck - taking more than one piece is just plain rude!!). You know, things that should be common sense but aren't.

Just like the fact that I have to send a memo to the staff tomorrow that reads "Don't put paper towels in the toilets". Seriously??? WTF? Who does that!!!??? Who is stupid enough to do that? And why the hell do you have paper towels in the stall with you in the first place? Yes, the building supplied TP sucks, but it's still better than the sandpaper paper towels they provide. Or how about ensuring that the toilet bowl has cleared before leaving the stall? How hard is it to watch to see if everything goes down and if it doesn't (our toilets don't have the best water pressure), I dunno, try flushing again? When did common sense become so un-common? People really don't seem to have any respect for their co-workers or their work place anymore. When I'm at work, I pick up after myself. If I use the last of something, I go and get more. Just basic things that makes work easier for whoever comes along next.

Sigh. Some people. LOL.

Good Night!


Why yes, that is an out house,.

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