Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Count Your Blessings.

I've had a very rough couple of weeks. It's nothing that's happened to me specifically, just people around me. I felt like I was the only thing standing still in the middle of a tornado. All kinds of bad things happening to good people and I felt so helpless, because there wasn't much I could do to help everyone. I did what I could but somehow, it didn't feel like anything at all.

And then I get to work today, after commuting in on the bus like I do everyday, to hear that 6 people had died quite horrifically, doing the same thing I'd just done - commuted to work. They got on a bus, heading to school or work like any other day. Except their bus hit a train today and mine arrived safely, like normal.
After work, I got on a bus again, like I do everyday and I made it home, safe and sound. Just like we're supposed to.

So in light of all the bad, here's some good stuff:

Last Wednesday, a co-workers 20 year old son (who worked for us this summer too) collapsed while playing basketball and had to be shocked 3 times with a defib. before he started to breath again. He's now awake, breathing on his own, talking and has no brain damage and will hopefully be going home soon. Crazy happy news.

One of my closest friend's husband had a CT scan last week because they thought he might have cancer. Something had shown up on a chest X-Ray last month that didn't look good. So after waiting over a month, doing the whole "what if" thing, they got the test results back tonight: NO CANCER!!!!!!! Very Happy News!

And to round it out, a couple co-workers who've been working part time and haven't been able to find full time steady work were all able to get full time positions!!!! Very Happy News!

So there's some wonderful news to share. I'm now going to go and count my blessings and go to bed.

Good Night.
