Tuesday, 18 September 2012


The weather today is just bizarre. It rained almost all day and it rained, a lot. I think it still might be raining now. But it was warm/humid. To the point where I thanked a man on the bus when he opened one of the windows. I was so friggin' hot. However, just before I started tonight's blog, I had to close my balcony door because it's become very windy and cold. As a result, my right arm is numb and my nipples are so hard that they hurt!! And my warm blanket is on the couch, which would require me getting up to get it. Stupid weather.

I'm going to attempt to warm up by typing this blog. If that fails, I'm going to grab my book and run to my bed (where I have the new, very soft sheets ) and I'll snuggle into my very soft sheets and my quilt and sit and read until bed time. If you're wondering, I'm currently reading "A Game of Thrones" by George R.R. Martin. Yes, this is the first book in the series which become a new hit for HBO. I've only seen 2 episodes of the show and I enjoyed them so much that I decided to pick up the book. So far, it's very good. My friend Cam wouldn't like it though. Each chapter is another character and every few chapters, it comes back to one of the characters. He doesn't like books that jump around like that. I do have to admit that you have to be paying a good deal of attention to what's going on to follow the story line.

Earlier this evening, I did something that I haven't done in about 10 years....no, I didn't have sex. Give me some credit, it hasn't been that long........anyhow, I did homework! I had french homework to do. The teacher sent us home from our first class with a sheet that has a map on it. You had to find the landmarks (8 of them) and write down what they are in French. Example: Albert Street = Rue Albert. I was actually quite pleased that I new most of them and only had to use Google Translate for a few of them. I even did the exercise on the other side of the page, despite the fact that the teacher made no mention of it. Am I a keener or what? As funny as it sounds I'm looking forward to class tomorrow. Work has been so busy and so stressful as of late, that I'm quite happy about escaping for a half day. Yes, I realize that I'll be playing catch up all afternoon and will most likely end up working late as a result, but I'm still looking forward to being able to focus on something, un-interrupted, for more than 2 minutes!!! Yippee!!

Good Night!


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