Sunday, 2 September 2012

Young At Heart

Today was an interesting day. It involved someone very old and someone very young.

I went out grocery shopping this afternoon. While waiting for the bus home, an elderly woman at the bus stop started talking to me. Turns out that she's 90 years old. Makes me wonder at one point do people start bragging about their age? Anyhow, she was a very nice and very talkative woman who was clearly enjoying the great weather today. She made me smile and I think she was happy to have someone to talk with.

This evening I went over to visit one of my nearest and dearest friends and her family. Her, her husband and I all met 15 years ago. None of us could believe that's been that long. He husband claims that we all look the same. LOL. I'd like to believe that. It's also were I spent some time with the youngest person today. Their son is just shy of being 4 months old. He's adorable and such a happy baby. He only cried once the entire time I was there and I think that's because he had a bad dream or was hungry. Not sure which. And the crying didn't last long at all. If all babies were as calm and as well behaved as he is, I might re-consider my decision not to have one. Watching my friends interact with him made me smile too. They were definitely meant to be parents.

I still find it very surreal that one of my friends has a baby. It's not that I think they're not ready for one, quite the opposite there, but I don't feel like we're old enough to be having them. Hell, the fact that my brother is a father still boggles my mind and it's been 5 months now. But I have to admit, I don't really feel like I'm a grown up. When I was a teenager, I had an idea in my head about how people in the 30s and 40s were: how they lived and behaved. But I certainly have not become the idea that I had. Maybe I'd feel different if I wasn't on my own. Maybe I wouldn't. Maybe this is how I'm supposed to feel, kind of young at heart. I'm responsible in the fact that I have a job and support myself. I pay my rent and bills, do my own laundry and grocery shopping, but I still listen to loud rock music and love going to concerts. I like staying up late watching movies. I like giggling with my girlfriends. I still buy frivolous items from time to time, like purses, shoes and nail polish ( I own A LOT of nail polish ).

Perhaps keeping a sense of our youth in our hearts is a good thing, something that really does keep us feeling (and possibly looking) young. All I know is that I don't feel as old as my birth certificate says I am and that's a good thing.

Good Night!


One of my more silly moments :)

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