Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Strike 2!

I had my re-scheduled doctor's appointment this morning. It was my 2nd attempt at a physical. Here's what happened:

I get to the doctor's this morning and check in with the front desk, where the receptionist promptly tells me: "He's not in this week." WTF??? I asked why no one called me and she gave some BS answer about the doctor not giving them any warning and only told them in the afternoon of his last day that he was taking a week off. Whatever. My guess is that she forgot that the doctor was taking a week off and accidentally booked me in. Moving on.

So the receptionist says that she can get me in to see the other doctor. I ask how long that will take and she tells me that it will be 15-20 minutes and that she'd put me ahead of those waiting since I had an appointment (my doctor's office is also a Walk-In clinic). Ok fine. I get shown to a room right away and I had to wait 20 minutes to see the other doctor. I did manage to finish reading my book during this time, so it wasn't a lost cause. 

The other Dr. (I have no clue at all as to what her name is!) came in and went over my blood test results with me. Good news; I'm perfectly healthy! Well, except for the being extremely overweight part, but on paper, I'm perfectly healthy. Everything is good. My iron was good, my kidneys are working well, my cholesterol number is normal, my sugar is good. No signs of diabetes.  The Doctor then asked how my blood pressure is. I told her that I had no idea so, she took my blood pressure too and said that it was good. That was kind of impressive. I figured that with how annoyed I was, it would have been through the roof. Guess reading my book calmed me down.

 Before she left, the nice doctor lady told me to book another appointment with my doctor for my physical and pap. I almost laughed in her face. That's so not going to happen. I've lost 2 mornings so far. I'm not taking any more time off work. This is by far, the most dysfunctional doctor's office I've ever been to. It took me 3 years to get a doctor and it doesn't seem to matter. I think I have to renew my efforts and see if I can find a better doctor, one who actually gives a shit and cares about how their office is run. I wonder if there's someone I can complain to about this?

My next trick will be finding an eye doctor (not so bad) and a dentist (scared to death of them!). This should be a blast :) Stay tuned for those adventures.... LOL.

Good Night!


The relaxing view from the dock at Steph's cottage

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