Friday, 21 September 2012

Zoom, Zoom, FOG!

Please excuse me right now if there are a lot of typos in this blog. I'm A: Very tired and B. Have been drinking :)

So there was a bunch of work peeps going out for dinner and drinks after work at one of our favourite bars. I said I'd go. That was before I had an insane week. So by 4pm, I didn't want to go anywhere other than home to bed. Didn't happen. I ended up working late to help get some stuff done for Monday morning. While meeting with one of my managers, a couple co-workers kept texting me "Where are you?" "Are you still coming?" "Why are you still at work" and so forth. I ended up missing Mr. Robertson, who I used to work with (really swell guy) so that sucked. But in the end, co-worker Mandy's text messages wore me down and I decided to head to the bar. That was at 6:30. Thankfully some peeps were still there. I got to have a couple of drinks and a nice dinner and some fun conversations. 

I got to the bus stop and just missed my bus. No big deal. It wasn't raining anymore. I got to stand around and look at my favourite fountain (which I did not jump in despite being unchaperoned at the time) and I waited for the next bus. In hind site, I should have run to catch the first one. The driver was insane. He had 3 speeds: Fast, Faster and FULL STOP! Jesus Christ. I can't recall the last time that I made it home that quickly from down town. Or the last time that the bus was going so fast that I nearly flew off the seat every time we hit a bump. I also think I had whip lash from the sudden stops he made. I swear we were doing over 100km/h down the straight stretches on the transit way. Until we hit the Parkway. Suddenly, we were going at an almost normal speed....which is when I looked up from my phone and realized that I couldn't see anything. Yes, it was dark out but you can still see the street lights and lights on in house windows. I could barely make out the tail lights of the bus in front of me. We were in one hell of a fog bank. Downtown had been crystal clear but as soon as we got near the river: BOOM! Fog. I now became rather concerned that we were going crazy fast in such limited visibility conditions. Maybe my driver figured that the bus in front of us would hit anything that popped up and we'd be fine. I dunno. I made it safely to my stop and then got to wander about in the fog for half a block. Watching the fog move past the street lights is very cool.

Upon my safe arrival home, I sat down at my computer for a bit but soon found myself rather chilly (as I am again now). So I made a very lovely hot chocolate with my Kurig...and then amped it up a notch by adding some Caramel Bailey's to it. That shit rocks. And it worked to warm me up. But alas, it is long gone and after playing 12 games of "Song Pop" my eyes appear to be closing on their own. We're in for some pretty shitty weather this weekend so I'm thinking hibernation is a good idea. Sadly, I don't think that will work out. A trip to the market for some supplies might. Or Ikea....a dangerous idea indeed. Guess I'll just have to wait and see :)

Good Night!


This is actually a photo I took of fog moving in over Calgary

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