Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Literally Sick of the Humidity

I spent the day at home, sick. Sometime a little after 3am, I was awoken in a great pain and spent the better part of the night from there on in with a bad tummy ache. As luck would have it, I feel back to sleep about a half hour before my alarm went off. I hauled out my work phone, emailed in sick and proceeded to sleep for another 2.5 hours. Still didn't stop me from feeling like a zombie though. I've been fighting the urge to nap all day, knowing that if I did, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Just before 11am, I did make a made dash across the street to Walmart to get some drugs. I nearly melted on the way back. The humidity today was insane! At one point this afternoon, I stepped out onto my balcony and it was like walking into a sauna. There's water dripping out of my AC unit like crazy. I don't recall ever seeing that much condensation come out of it. Crazy. I'm thinking that the humidity is what upset my tummy in the first place. I don't gauge temperatures well and as a result, when it gets hot, I don't drink enough water and it makes me sick. I've drank an insane amount of Powerade and water today. I didn't actually start feeling better until 4pm. A head ache had joined my tummy ache but they both took leave around 4 and I think that's when my bladder kicked back in too. With all that liquid going in, I knew it had to go back out eventually.

Since I was feeling better, I was also hungry. I decided to use some some pasta and turkey sausage that I had in the freezer and I made a soup that I'd found on Pinterest. Of course, I added my own spin to it but man, was it awesome. Really nailed that one and I loved it. I'll have to make it again sometime. I don't mind the hot weather, in fact, I like it. It's just this humidity that's killing me. I get all bloated and gross feeling and then I don't feel like eating and I can't sleep right, even with the AC on. Blah.

OH! I found my mystery moth. It was dead, on the floor, near my computer, in the living room. I have no idea at all how it got there (unless I had 2 moths and didn't know it). It's possible that it followed the heater but I really don't know. Kind of bizarre. But it's nice to know that it's gone and isn't lurking about in my bedroom.

And the glass from yesterday is still sitting here. I still don't know if it's half empty or half full but I'm in no real hurry to find out. But for now, I'm grabbing my book and heading to bed.

Good Night!


Sure wish I'd been there today!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty? Or is it Just a Glass?

Has anyone seen my "Happy Ever After"? It seems to be missing and I'd really like to find it.

A strange thing just happened to me. While surfing on Pinterest (I'd said it before and I'll say it again, it's a dangerous site), I kept seeing a lot of photos of various landmarks in Europe. Touring the UK and Western Europe is a dream of mine. So tonight, I'm daydreaming away, pinning new picks and mentally planning my dream trip when I suddenly realized that I was planning it alone. As in, I was mentally planning a solo trip. My subconscious just naturally took that assumption in. Then I realized that it's something I almost always do. Whenever I get a fit of whimsy and I decide to price out a cool vacation just for shits and giggles, I always look at single occupancy rates (which sucks because they're higher!!). When did I start doing that? When did my brain just start assuming that I'd be alone when I did stuff like this?

I used to daydream about romantic getaways and dream vacations with a yet unknown Mr. X but that seems to had faded away. I'm not quite sure what to think about that.

Kind of like the other day at lunch. The ladies I dine with were talking about what the weekend plans had held and one of them said that she spent some time alone and how great it was to have some "me" time and awesome it is to just get the opportunity to spend a few hours by yourself from time to time. All I could think was that's how I spend 90% of my time and I can't really see why you're so excited about it. And again, I realized that when I sit down and start to plan my weekends out, I plan stuff to do on my own. I just seem to assume that I'm flying solo and I plan from there. Not sure when that started either. I haven't been consciously aware of the fact that I'm doing it.

I really don't know how I should feel about these realizations.

I don't know if I should be incredibly sad that my own subconscious seems to have given up hope or if I should feel empowered that I'm strong enough, brave enough and independent enough not to be terrified of the thought of venturing out into the world on my own.

Am I reacting to some subtle message from the Universe that said that I'm not meant to find a mate. That I'm supposed to go it alone and my mind is protecting me from future hurt by getting me used to spending so much time alone now? Or have I just simply decided that I don't need someone else to define me. To make me happy. I'm enough on my own. I'm all I need and thus can continue on a solo path and still find a blissful happiness?

Tonight isn't a "glass is half empty" night. It's not a "glass is half full" night either. Tonight's the kind of night where all I know is that there's a glass and a whole mess of questions. Questions who's answers are all written in the stars.

Good Night.


Monday, 15 July 2013

So Sleepy.

My eyes are betraying me. They keep trying to close all by themselves. I had plans on surfing Pinterest and watching episode 3 of "Under the Dome" and maybe doing a little reading. As it stands, the words I'm typing are looking a little blurry and yes, I'm wearing my reading glasses and no, there's nothing wrong with them. The dude upstairs sounds like he's rollerskating across his living room right now. WTF??

I slept like crap last night. For starters, I wasn't tired so it took a while to fall asleep. Then I got all itchy and that didn't help with the falling to sleep bit. I think I passed out somewhere between 11:30 and midnight. Woke up a little after 1. Fell back to sleep. Work up around 3:15 and decided to get up and pee. Fell back to sleep. Woke up at 4:55am and had to pee again, and then couldn't fall back to sleep. I was wide awake. Dammit. Finally fell back to sleep around 5:30am and then my alarm went off at 6. It made for a very long day and it the reason why I'm so sleepy now. Despite my fatigue, I still managed to water the plants on my balcony, make my lunch and made a big bowl of fruit salad.

Work was good but long. I put on my iPod and focused on getting some finance stuff out of the way this morning. I managed to get almost all of it done. I have some more paper work to deal with tomorrow too and hopefully that will get the bulk of it out of the way for the week.

Nothing overly philosophical on my mind tonight. I think brain may had nodded off already. No sign of the moth either.

Keep cool.

Good Night!


Anyone wanna go for a swim?

Sunday, 14 July 2013

The Moth Saga Continues

I found my missing house guest (aka, the moth) around 11 this morning. It was hanging out on my window sill, behind the curtain. Being the kind hearted person I am, I decide to try to pick it up and toss it outside. I gabbed a kleenex and tried to pick it up. I failed and it flew into the curtain. So I tried again and it once more escaped and dropped like a rock...into my baseboard heater. Sigh. I have previously dropped a spider into it and the spider came out the bottom and tried to run away before I squished it, so I was hoping the moth would go right through too. No such luck. I haven't seen it since. Sigh.

I did, however, get a pesky fly out of my apartment this evening. It was flying around before bed and I got it out of my bedroom by turning on the hall light and once it was attracted to that, I shut off the light and ran to my room and closed the door before the fly could follow. I woke up to pee around 3am and the stupid fly was attacking the night light in the bathroom. This morning, it was on my balcony door, so I just opened it and shooed him out. Problem solved. Too bad the moth wasn't that easy to deal with.

It was very hot here today, so you know what I did? I turned on the oven, twice. The first time was to bake a loaf of Avocado Banana Bread (with dark chocolate chips) and the second time was to roast the chicken breast that I bought at the butcher's yesterday. Both turned out incredibly well. I made a nice salad for lunch tomorrow, using the veggies I got yesterday, and I topped it with some feta cheese and some leftover chicken from tonight. The only problem with baking today was that my apartment got warm, even with the AC and fans running. It's cooling off now, which is nice, since it's almost bed time.

I used my spare time to read and catch up on a summer tv show. I really should have cleaned or done the dishes but my body seemed to want the rest so I did what it asked. This just means that I have to pick up some groceries after work tomorrow and do up the dishes too. Laundry might be a good idea for a night this week too. LOL. I need to find a man who likes to clean.Seriously. I will happily cook every night so long as someone else cleans up the mess I make. I'll even do the laundry too if someone else dusts and mops. I think it's a great trade off!!

Anyhow, it's time to grab my book and read for a bit before turning in. Back to work tomorrow.

Good Night!


Not the one in my bedroom but you get the idea. LOL.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Hunter-Gathering and Moths.

It's a hot evening in Ottawa, so I decided to enjoy as much of it as I can and I sat out reading on the balcony tonight. Once it started to get dark, I got smart. I turned on the lamp just inside my balcony door and left the blinds open so the lamp lit the balcony and I was able to continue reading. I had a few mosquitoes come and bother me (and have a bite on my ankle to show for it) but that was about it. Finally I decided to come inside. I'd just got all my stuff inside and closed the balcony door when I turned and saw a giant moth flying through my living room. Crap. I followed it into my bedroom. I turned on my hall light hoping it would attract the moth, no such luck. So then I got my swiffer and decided to try to chase it back into the living room. Now I don't know if I actually hit it or just scared the bejesus out of it, but suddenly it took off, bounced off the bedroom wall then bounced off the ceiling in the hall, the then wall and then back into my bedroom, off my dresser and under my bed. And I haven't seen the fucker since. I just stood there and watched in disbelief. I tried putting out a few items from under the edge of my bed to see if it was there (2 pairs of running shoes and some dirty laundry) but no moth. I don't know where the hell it went. Maybe it's dead. Maybe it's hiding. Maybe it's made a new home in the underside of my mattress. I have no friggin' idea. Stupid moth. I've turned off the bedroom light and am hoping that it will come out on its own and head for the lights in the living room and kitchen. Funny thing is, had it been a spider, I would have tore the bed frame apart looking for it. A rouge moth, I'm kind of ok with.

I had a rather nice day today. It was hot and sunny but not too humid. There was a nice breeze which helped things out too. I did one of my favourite things today. I went to the Byward Market and got lots of fresh, local produce and meats. There's something so very relaxing and wholesome about doing that. I don't know if it's due to the fact that as a kid and into my early teens I spent most Saturdays helping out in a HUGE garden so I'm used to being around fresh produce or maybe it's something even more primal than that. Maybe it's a throw back to the hunter/gatherer days and going out to get fresh food is one of those basic things engraved on our DNA. Either way, I love doing it and it makes me happy when I get to cook it all up too. Tonight I had a very tender NY strip steak with 2 cobs of corn (first of the season) which actually had a lot of flavour to them for being the first of the season. I was quite impressed. All the vitamin D I soaked up probably helped my happy state too. And the frozen yogurt. That made me pretty damn happy as well.

I'm not sure if it was all the fresh air I got today or the 3/4 of a can of Pear Cider I drank earlier, but I'm rather sleepy now. I think I'll go and take one last look around for the moth and the call it a night.

Oh! And my hand/wrist is feeling much better and it doesn't really hurt to type anymore :)

Good Night!


My haul from this afternoon's trip.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Canada Day, Goodbyes and Mac & Cheese

Guess who's hand is feeling better? It's not 100% but I can type, write and use a can opener again without it resulting in searing pain. So that's a very good thing.

Happy Canada Day! Being that I live in Ottawa and that we host the world's largest Canada Day party, today means that the downtown core is packed. I went downtown last year but opted to skip the festivities this year. I wasn't really in a "get up close and personal with 200,000 + strangers" kind of mood. I did watch the noon show on tv though. I think last year's was better. I heard the fighter jets fly by and I can currently hear some fireworks in the distance. I'm not sure if they're the ones form downtown or the ones from the park down Carling but I can hear a low, rumble and boom.

Today I spent my day being very domestic. I did up the dishes and made a half-assed attempt to get my kitchen in order. That kind of stopped after I found the item that I'd misplaced in the kitchen. I then spent time on my balcony, planting the last of the plants that I picked up in the market yesterday. I added lavender, garlic chives, chocolate mint and a yellow gerber daisy to the mix. My balcony looks quite nice now. Very green and cheerful. For dinner I made macaroni and cheese from scratch and I have to admit, it blew my mind. It was so friggin' good!! I had some fresh green beans with it. I picked those up in the market yesterday. I love being able to go out and get fresh, local produce. It makes everything taste better.

I felt a little home sick today too. My home town has quite the parade every Canada Day and I can't actually recall the last time I was there to see it. It must have been a good 15 years ago. I remember that we used to take my grandmother and her friend and then we'd go back to my parent's house or over to gram's house for pizza afterwards. Later in the day, my brother and I would go to the park as they always had a carnival with rides that weekend. In the evening, there would be fireworks at the park. My parents live a block and a half from the parade route and only 5 blocks from the park so it made getting around quite easy. Definitely less than 200,000 + people to deal with.

Wow, 4 paragraphs and only a tiny bit of numbness. This is great progress.

Work is going to be brutal this week. We have several new people starting tomorrow and we have a farewell party for my boss later this week. Where I work, people come and go frequently, so I'm kind of used to seeing people leave. But my boss had been there since I started working there. She helped to build the unit I work in. She gave me my job. I really don't know how to say goodbye to her. I'm an emotional person to begin with and this week is a PMS week so I'm going to be extra emotional. Not sure how I'm going to get through it in one piece. Perhaps I should just skip wearing mascara this week and put up a sign, letting my co-workers know that if they find me crying in the bathroom, I'm perfectly fine. LOL.

Speaking of work, I should sign off and get to bed so that I can at least pretend to be alert at work to welcome the new people tomorrow. On the upside, I have leftover mac and cheese for lunch :)

Good Night!
